
KEM međunarodna franšizna izložba 2024

Međunarodna izložba franšiza KEM
From March 01, 2024 until March 03, 2024
Paiania - MEC - Mediteranski izložbeni centar, Attica, Grčka
(Molimo još jednom provjerite datume i mjesto na službenoj stranici u nastavku prije sudjelovanja.)

Bez naslova

The only Franchise Exhibition in Greece is here! It's the best way to expand your business and develop your network in Greece! KEM International Exhibition at MEC Paiania 1-3 March 2024. The 25th KEM Franchise International Exhibition was a success. CHRISTOS FOLIAS AWARD.


Opening hours for the exhibition:Friday, 1 March 18:30-21:00Saturday, 2/3 and Sunday 3/3: 10:00-20:00.

Shuttle buses will run every hour to transport visitors free of charge from Dukissis Plakentias Metro Station.

The 26th KEM Franchise International Exhibition is scheduled to take place at the Mediterranean Exhibition Centre MEC Paiania from March 1 - 3, 2024.

The participating franchise companies are seeking partners to help them expand their network.

Franchises are the best way to develop with the least risk. They offer the franchisee many advantages. The exhibition will feature a wide range of concepts, both classic and modern, from Greece and beyond. Franchisors who have experience on the market are expected to provide their expertise and organization.

Do not miss the chance to meet the representatives of the participating companies and discuss investment amounts, payback periods, and areas of development interest and decide on your future partner.

You are welcome to attend the seminars on Saturday and Sunday, where you will receive comprehensive information about the franchise sector.

MEC Paianas ugostio je razne tvrtke u nizu kategorija od 3. do 5. ožujka 2023. Te su tvrtke imale priliku predstaviti svoje koncepte investitorima iz Atene, kao i ostatka Grčke. Sljedeće zemlje poslale su izlagače na izložbu:.

Posjeta: 6489

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Karta mjesta i hoteli u okolici

Paiania - MEC - Mediteranski izložbeni centar, Attica, Grčka Paiania - MEC - Mediteranski izložbeni centar, Attica, Grčka


posjetiti izložbu
htio sam kupiti ovu ulaznicu za sajam
htio sam ovu kartu za izložbu
posjetite expo kem gress 2023. od 3. do 5. ožujka
posjećujem ovu izložbu kem franšize izložbu 2023 Grčka

htio sam kartu za 3 dana

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