Dubai WoodShow 2025

Dubai WoodShow Dubai 2025
From April 14, 2025 until April 16, 2025
Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE
+ 971 4 3923232
(Molimo još jednom provjerite datume i mjesto na službenoj stranici u nastavku prije sudjelovanja.)

WoodShow Dubai |

Why Dubai WoodShow is Essential for Your Business.

Leading Exhibition for Wood, Furniture & Woodworking Machinery Industry in MENA Region. 14 - 16 April 2025 | Dubai World Trade Centre. Join the Best in the Industry: Why Dubai Woodshow is Essential for Your Business. EXCLUSIVE NETWORKING RECEPTION FOR EXHIBITORS. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES. Supporting Partners. Why Dubai Woodshow is a Must-Visit for Wood Enthusiasts. Benefits of Dubai WoodShow.

Visitors attending the Dubai WoodShow are advised to prepare for a remarkable experience that promises to elevate their understanding of the wood and woodworking machinery industry. As the only dedicated business-to-business meeting place in the region, the show offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, gaining insights, and fostering collaborations. With insights from industry experts and leaders, participants can anticipate a robust learning environment that not only highlights current trends but also delves into future advancements, ensuring all attendees remain at the cutting edge of the market.

The 21st Edition of the Dubai WoodShow, scheduled for April 14th to 16th, 2025, will be a platform where innovation meets opportunity. Exhibitors from around the globe will showcase the latest technologies and services, providing an ideal environment for seizing business deals. Professional connections can be made effortlessly within the exclusive networking receptions designed to maximize exhibitor exposure and attendee engagement. Moreover, attendees can avail themselves of premium branding exposure, sponsorship opportunities, and gain strategic insights into dominating the dynamic and maturing woodworking market. Overall, the event ensures a significant boost in both professional presence and business growth for all participants.

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Karta mjesta i hoteli u okolici

Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE


Mình muốn tham khảo đơn vị tại Việt Nam có thể giúp mình đăng kí tham gia hội chợ triễn lãm đồ nội thất WOODSHOW Tại Dubai
Thomas Elmenshawy
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فادي سامي يوسف
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Moustafa Mabrouk
Posjet Dubai Wood Showu 2022
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